Saturday, August 25, 2007

What's Keepin' Me From Gettin' Paid?

So why is it that in a world where college kids are coming up with innovative concepts for the Worldwide Web and making millions, so many of us are still struggling to be successful in our own businesses or suffering by working for someone else? I was talking to the Mac Daddy (my fiance) about it one day. Before I decided to go into business for myself, I was trying to figure it all out. I'm talented, creative and intelligent. So why wasn't I getting paid and doing what I love? I did some thinking and I came up with a list of things that were holding me back. I believe it's always beneficial to identify the problems so you have somewhere to start when working out the solutions. Just food for thought. Check it out...

The Top Ten Reasons I Was Broke And Working For Someone Else.

1. I didn’t regard my talent as a talent.

2. I wasn't willing to do the research.

3. I was intimidated by stories of those who’ve made it big (Oprah, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates).

4. I believed rich people are blessed or gifted with innate talents I will never have.

5. I associated having money with being non-spiritual, evil, greedy, without conscience.

6. I believed subconciously that my ethnic background, sex, upbringing, education level and physical appearance had something to do with why I couldn't succeed.

7. I thought I had to have thousands of dollars on hand to invest.

8. I hadn't made a commitment to fulfill my dream

9. My life was not balanced.

10. I hadn't fully realized the power of positive thinking.

Now, mind you, I'm still not rich but I'm working on it and I'm doing what I love. I really believe my list helped. Maybe making a list of your own will help you break your personal barriers too. I hope so!

Peace and Blessings.

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